Less than 300 days

We use a countdown timer but we don’t exactly check it because it makes us nervous.

So far, we’ve confirmed our vendor for decor and my makeup (my cousin!), settled on a caterer (but have yet to sit down with them – sometime in late July in shaa Allah) and that’s basically it.

Still undecided on what kind of design we should have for our outfits, berkats etc. Any suggestions? I hyperventilate each time I think of the preparations but I still want to chill and do nothing about it, haha.

I’ve created a timeline for our preparations till D-Day so please pray for us! Just extremely worried that we won’t be able to get our preferred venue.

On another note, transiting from being single to engaged has been okay so far alhamdulillah but no couple gets away with no major arguments from time to time.

I’m actually eager to attend the marriage preparation course! Has anyone attended with Suchi Success?

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